Page 17 - Jahresbericht_2020-2021
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Corona School Year 2020/2021
At first, I didn’t really think much of it, and it didn’t bother me at The school year was very hard for all of us and not very easy. The It was challenging because you were given a lot of tasks. I didn‘t I didn‘t like this school year because it was really exhausting.
all. But since the first lockdown I’ve gotten more tired and sad. online lessons at home were very hard because we didn‘t have like that the teachers only answered after a few days, when it I deteriorated a lot at school and became very lazy. But it was
The Corona Virus drained my energy and I think a lot of people any teachers we could ask something immediately and many was sometimes already too late. It was always harder to unders- also much fun with friends, even if we could not see each other
feel the same. I’ve also been in quarantine because both of my didn‘t really understand the new task. And when we could go tand something in class than at school. It was nice to be able to so often. Online school was not so bad, I found it okay.
parents had corona, and it was pretty scary, because my parents back to school and thought everything would get better, many of sleep longer, but for some it was also a problem because many (Suela)
are quite old and therefore, have a higher risk of something dan- the students felt even worse because some teachers expected a came too late. Many people also had internet, camera or mic pro-
gerous happening to them. My grades have also gotten worse, lot. As a result, many came under pressure. But over time it got blems. Some worked late into the night to get their stuff done. Dieses Jahr war nicht so toll, weil die ganzen Lockdowns unsere
and I can’t focus anymore. It’s really hard for me to focus and pay better and the students were slowly able to get used to normal (Alyssa) Schulleistungen verschlechtert haben. Die letzten Wochen hat
attention lately. I have also gotten a ton of stress and because of school hours again. Nevertheless, there was still a lot of material mir Englisch Spaß gemacht, nur die Tests mochte ich gar nicht.
that I got health problems, but I am getting them treated. That’s and it was very exhausting most of the time when, you did not At the beginningof the year it was a little bit hard. The lockdowns Was mir auch nicht gefallen hat, ist die 4 in Geschichte obwohl
a lot of downsides, but there’s also upsides. I had more time to understand the task in the online lesson. were very stressful. The masks were uncomfortable. The second ich für Geschichte viel gemacht habe.
connect with myself and get more free time and a break, but I’ve (Ronda) half of the year was very good because we didn’t have a lock-
also become quite lazy because of this. I found a lot of online down. The year was good because I have learned well this year. Eine große Sache war auch das Essen in der Mensa. Es gab oft
friends and I’m a little more social now. I also had a lot of fun The school year was bad because the year was really stressful (Florian) kein gutes Essen, z.B wenn es Rind- oder Schweinefleisch gab,
too, of course. This year (and last year) were pretty hard for me, and boring. But the year was still not quite for the ton and despi- wurde es nie zart geklopft. Aber war das Jahr okay.
but I’m getting through it and so is everyone else. Thankfully, te my laziness I still got good certificates. I‘m looking forward to (Leon)
everything is getting better. the holidays. It was a very difficult year and I couldn‘t study at all. Everything This year was fun but also very bad because of the problems
(Sara) (Lukas) was very badly organized. At first it seemed easy but it became but other than that it was really enjoyable. I couldn’t relax much
much harder. I didn‘t like this year at all. It was very difficult and because we had a lot to do and to work on, but at the end of the
It was fun with my friends. Sometimes it was a bit confusing Es war sehr stressig ,weil die Lehrer versucht haben, uns den incomprehensible. year it wasn’t so much anymore. In the last week I think maybe
because of the lockdowns. But in general I was fine. During the ganzen Stoff beizubringen. Aber gegen Schulschluss haben sie (Veronika) I’ll be able to relax more than in winter.
lockdowns I was often bored and I always got a headache from dann nicht mehr so einen Druck gemacht. (Milan)
the masks. By the end of the class, I got used to it. Das Gute war, dass wir nicht so viele Schularbeiten und Tests The school year was bad because of Corona. I think I was not so
(Dorian) machen mussten. Es war auch viel leiser und viel chilliger, so- good this year. I think I was better in English this than the other This year was a bit complicated because of the lockdown. Also
lange nur die Hälfte der Klasse in der Schule war. Auch mit den years. Es war blöd, dass wir nicht immer alle zusammen waren. with the online meetings from home, everything was very diffi-
HOW THE YEAR PLAYED OUT FOR ME Masken war es nicht leicht, aber wir haben es hin bekommen. (Sebastian) cult. In the online meetings, many people didn‘t understand or
The whole year wasn’t the best year due to the corona virus. It Während des Lockdowns konnte ich nie richtig lernen. know what was going on. Many were already looking forward to
was hard to follow school at that point because every one stayed (Leonie) This year was nice but a bit tiring. The masks were a problem for school. (Maria)
home and I had to do everything at home. Although the swit- everyone, social distancing and so on. Home – learning for me,
ching from home to school was better it was also difficult . But This school year was the worst year that I have ever had! was okay. I had fun with my classmates and it was pretty good. This year was really difficult. All lockdowns were so bad, but du-
when the time came to go back to school it was much easier. The I had not the best grades and had a lot of stress… I had a lot of I really enjoyed this year a lot. It was crazy at the start but I got ring the lockdowns we could sleep longer. Most of this year it
year was pretty difficult but in the end it was nice. conflicts with my parents because of my grades and I know it out good. (Angel) was lockdown with online schooling. The good things in this year
(Rich) was because of my laziness. was, that I saw my friends and I could finally go to school.
(Aylin) (Nicolina)
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